segunda-feira, 19 de setembro de 2016


Veja aqui o histórico da conquista da nossa terra para edificar o Instituto Fraternitas Nosso Lar em Ibiúna e saiba como colaborar conosco. Conheça esta área abençoada, saiba o que já foi feito e o que está previsto para muito breve!  Ajude-nos a ajudar!
(11) 98915 1594
In Tupi-Guarani, the above expression means "This land is ours!"
This is Beneficent Association Fraternitas Nosso Lar's land, and was recently purchased through the generosity of many brothers, who believed and still believe in this fantastic project. Yes, what was once a dream, today we call a Project.
The purchase of these lands represented the First Stage of our project. In those blessed lands in Ibiúna, it will be built and will be available to the population of Brazil, in three years, the wonderful FRATERNITAS NOSSO LAR INSTITUTE.
Now, we set off for the second stage which is the implementation of ten extremely important steps:
1) To acquire 220 seedlings of fruit trees, already in production, to uplift the fruit farm project.
2) Planting and fertilizing these precious seedlings.
3) Deploy a natural, self-sustaining irrigation process, based in solar energy.
4) Locating and exploring groundwater and ascend them to the surface to meet this skillful irrigation project.
5) Coverage of this extraordinary fruit farm project, through an innovative design with the use of bamboos, unmatched in Brazilian lands.
6) Start the gardening project - plowing, fertilizing, sowing.
7) To implement the process of natural irrigation and self-sustaining solar energy, as in the fruit-farn project system.
8) Also, as in the fruit farming project, do the same roof cover project with bamboos in the horticulture area.
9) Building shelter for all agricultural tools, as well as to protect precious and necessary nutrients.
10) Start the construction of two residential units and the foundations of the Educandário (Education Unit)
We need to buy and plant the trees in the orchard and sow the vegetable garden between 15 and 30 October, a more propitious time for planting.
We need to hire the workforce required for its maintenance.
We need to acquire tools and agricultural implements.
We need to pay for the development of the innovative cover design and acquire 700 dozens of bamboo culms.
We need to contract a specialized team to drill wells and also to implement a revolutionary, natural and sustainable irrigation system, based on solar energy, developed by Embrapa.
We need to buy construction materials to to raise the first walls, as well as hiring people to start working on the uplift of our Institute!
We need 400,000 Reais to do it all until September, 30th
Please help us to help!
In this home of love and fraternity, we will build an Instructional Unit - a school that will offer professional courses, auditorium, theater, library, industrial kitchen, among other attractions, and a Regenerative Unit - a hospital that will offer traditional medical care as well as treatment with the so called alternative medicine, like acupuncture, color therapy, music therapy, hydrotherapy, aromatherapy, reiki, and much more. In the first year of operation, we will assist 40 000 people, all for free!
We invite you to know the project drawn up by architect Heloisa Dabus, who was delighted as well as the entire team at Dabus Architecture Company with this project, which wants only to offer assistance, education, health, quality of life and joie de vivre!
Be enthralled with dozens of photos which testify our struggle, our efforts and our gratitude to our brothers fraternistas who walk beside us, with us, and whose number is steadily increasing.
Come to know our Fraternal Actions, already in operation for 3 years, which has already benefited more than 200,000 people, be it the distribution of rice and beans for extremely needy organizations, soups, bread and juice 100% natural for homeless people in São Paulo, or activities and direct material and spiritual assistance in orphanages, clinics for drug addicts and assistance homes for children and adolescents with cerebral palsy.
We've done a lot, but a lot is not enough!
It takes more, much more, and that MORE will come with the implementation of the FRATERNITAS NOSSO LAR INSTITUTE!
"Benevolent Spirits in this beautiful Blue Sphere, in fact, many already are. And if in readiness, thereby came back to the Earth in Grace won to implement evidence and atonement, it is clear that they did not come to be good, but nonetheless to do good " (SpiritualTeam Nosso Lar – Our Home)
Join us, be a FRATERNISTA!
 Please help us to help!

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